Nature nurtures, it provides, it satisfies, it sustains life on earth, it gives and continues to give…and bestows on us innumerable blessings…yet we have forgotten the role we can play in return.
Keeping this in mind a tree
plantation drive was organized in St. Agnes’ High School on 4th July
2017. Students of Std. V- XII enthusiastically participated in this programme
under the guidance of their Principal, Sr. Antonnete and teachers.
In order to spread awareness
regarding the same students of Std. VII took out a Prabhat Feri in the neighbourhood
displaying placards and shouting slogans.
activities were conducted in the school during the day. Students of Std. VI
artistically expressed their views about the environment in a drawing
of Std. VII & VIII participated in a rangoli competition keeping the
environment in mind. Students of Std. VIII penned down their thoughts in an
essay writing competition with ‘Plant & Prosper ‘as the topic.
Students of Std. IX expressed
their views in an essay writing competition, on the topic-Nurture Nature.
The focus of the various activities was to
inculcate in young students a sense of commitment to “NURTURE NATURE FOR A
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