We remember our 3 Priority

"This is what Yahweh asks of you, only this.... that you act justly, that you love tenderly, that you walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8)

"This is what Yahweh asks of you, only this.... that you act justly, that you love tenderly, that you walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8)
“We seek ways to defend human life in all its stages: to denounce violence, to promote human rights especially the dignity and empowerment of women, to promote a culture of peace and pardon” (AC. 96)
“The ecological crisis is a moral issue… respect for life and for the dignity of the human person extends also to the rest of creation"(Message of Pope John Paul II for the Day of Peace, 1990)
We look with anguish on the violence and
lack of peace in our world, the abuse of the earth and her resources, all signs
of the breakdown of right relationships with God, with others, with creation
and with ourselves.
The need to heal this brokenness impels us
to work for the restoration of the harmony and mutual care that we know to be
God’s own desire for the world.
We live this call in the conviction that,
by joining with like-minded persons, we become stronger, and can be a force for
This commitment challenges us to:
- Open our hearts wide to love and cherish the beauty of our world, and to be touched by its suffering.
- Examine courageously and honestly our habitual ways of acting, and open ourselves to learning new and alternate ways.
- Recognize our kinship with the created world, and our clear responsibility to protect and care for it.
1. We listen to the victims of injustice and violence, and we stand with and for
2. We commit ourselves to the responsible use of natural resources, and to care for
the earth at a personal level, in our communities, in our educational centers,
and in all our ministries.
3. We unite with and actively participate in organizations and institutions that
work for ecology and human rights, especially those of women and children.
4. We strengthen our membership in UNANIMA, and our commitment to its mission.
5. We promote education that forms persons for active citizenship, critical
conscience, and responsible use of the means of communication.
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