23 de octubre de 2021

6 de septiembre de 2021

Care for people, care for Creation

 “So many people are hanging by the thinnest of threads. Treat people well, you could just be that thread.” Anonymous.

We at St. Agnes High School, Mumbai,  have reached out during the Pandemic to the needy showing them care and support - material as well as emotional.

Two students from our Primary section could not afford to buy two mobiles for online learning due to poor economic condition, so they were missing out on their studies .We requested their mother to bring them to school so that we could help them in their studies through or school mobile. Their mother brings them at 8.30am and picks them up at 01.30pm. Morning

Another parent requested for a job since her husband has lost his job .We gave her teaching of the catechism class and pay her honorarium to support her. Sister also got a sponsor to pay her daughters fees for five months.

There was an elderly Lady who used to bring Tiffin for the school children and earned a living but now as school has closed she has no source of Income. We give her monthly ration.

Our helpers are actively involved in the care for creation movement. Last year during season of creation they planted vegetables on primary school ground from it we got organic pumpkins, muskmelons and Fenugreek vegetables for the sisters kitchen. They had planted four Elaichi Banana plants, of which 3 have given us Bananas this year. They have also made Vermi culture pit and dump the vegetable peals from kitchen into it.

This is how we practice this care for people and care for creation. I conclude this article from the quote from Khalil Gibran “Generosity is giving more than you can, and Pride is taking less than you need.”

From PUNE Province, India

6 de junio de 2021

Corpus Christi - Eucaristía

Mt. 26, 26
Mientras comían, Jesús tomó el pan, pronunció la bendición, lo partió 
y lo dio a sus discípulos, diciendo: «Tomen y coman, esto es mi Cuerpo»

While they were eating, Jesus took bread, said the blessing, broke it, 
and giving it to his disciples said, "Take and eat; this is my body."

31 de mayo de 2021

Living Laudato si' week

A small vedeo on Laudato Si week prepared in Bombay.

School children in Goa
working in the school garden.
work with the Daily Dump, 
converting kitchen waste into  rich manure.

Pune Province

26 de abril de 2021

Juntos logramos cuidar nuestro Medio Ambiente

Desde el Colegio de Mérica, México, nos comparten cómo están trabajando por el cuidado de nuestra Casa Común.

¡Sumate desde tu casa, allí donde estés! 

9 de abril de 2021

JPIC Roma - Commission USG UISG



Editor’s Note: During these rich liturgical days following Easter, we are called to respond with compassion and to bring the presence of Christ to wherever we are. As disciples, we continue to reflect on the life of Jesus and to follow his example throughout the day. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we strive to determine what is ours to do during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Beyond our pain, we are challenged to keep connectedness alive, maintain solidarity and create a future that benefits everyone on Mother Earth, our common home. 

1 Human Rights Advocacy ... 
2 Economy of Francesco... 
3 Food and Hunger... 
4 From Laudato Si' to Querida Amazonía... 
5 Importance of Encounter and Dialogue... 
6 Fratelli Tutti and Pope's Francis Lenten Message... 
7 Calendar and International Days


Nota editorial: Durante estos días litúrgicos tan ricos que siguen a la Pascua nos sentimos llamados a responder con una actitud de compasión y a llevar a todas partes la presencia de Cristo. Como discípulos, continuamos reflexionando sobre la vida de Jesús y siguiendo su ejemplo a lo largo de nuestros días. Bajo la guía del Espíritu Santo, tratamos de descubrir el papel que debemos desempeñar durante la presente pandemia de COVID -19. Además de la compasión, nos vemos desafiados a mantener viva la experiencia de interconexión y a solidarizarnos en la tarea de crear un futuro beneficioso para todos los que habitan la Madre Tierra, nuestra casa común.

1 Promoción de los Derechos Humanos... 
2 Economía de Francesco... 
3 Hambre y Alimentación... 
4 De Laudato Si' a Querida Amazonía... 
5 Importancia del Encuentro y Diálogo.. 
6 Fratelli Tutti y el mensaje de Papa Francisco para la Cuaresma... 
7 Calendario y días Internacionales

7 de febrero de 2021

Santa Bakhita (08-02)

Jornada Mundial de Oración y Reflexión Contra la Trata de Personas, 8 febrero
Memoria Litúrgica de santa Bakhita

Giornata Mondiale di Preghiera e Riflessione Contro la Tratta di Persone, 8 Febbraio
Memoria Liturgica di Santa Bakhita

The International Day Of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking, 8th. February
Memorial of St. Bakhita

Journée Mondiale de Prière et de Réflexion Contre la Traite des personnes, le 8 février
Mémoire Liturgique de Sainte Bakhita

PRAYER - 8 FEBRUARY 2021 - An economy without human trafficking

ORACIÓN - 8 FEBRERO 2021 – Economía sin trata de personas

PREGHIERA - 8 FEBBRAIO 2020 - Economia senza tratta di persone