22 de junio de 2020

Año Laudato si'

Integral Human Development

Laudato si' Anniversary Year Plan 2020-2021

A year of celebrations of the Encyclical Letter of Pope Francis on the care of our Common Home

The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development is happy to announce a Special Laudato Si’ Anniversary Year from 24th May 2020 – 24th May 2021. We hope that the anniversary year and the ensuing decade will indeed be a time of grace, a true Kairos experience and “Jubilee” time for the Earth, and for humanity, and for all God’s creatures. The anniversary year will open with Laudato Si’ Week 2020, and will proceed with several initiatives, realized in partnership and with a clear emphasis on “ecological conversion” in “action”. We invite everyone to join us. The urgency of the situation calls for immediate, holistic and unified responses at all levels - local, regional, national and international.

 ENG-Laudato si' Anniversary Year Plan 2020-2021 - program

FR-Laudato si Année anniversaire spécial - Programme
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Laudato si' Año Aniversario Especial 2020-2021

Un año de celebraciones de la encíclica del Papa Francisco sobre el cuidado de la casa común

Para destacar la importancia de la Laudato Si’ en este período crucial, el Dicasterio para la Promoción del Desarrollo Humano Integral ha establecido que desde el 21 de mayo de 2020 hasta el 24 de mayo de 2021 se celebre un año especial de aniversario de la Laudato Si’. Durante este año y el decenio sucesivo dispongámonos a vivir juntos una experiencia de verdadero Kairos que se traducirá en un tiempo de “Jubileo” para la Tierra, para la humanidad y para todas las criaturas de Dios. El año de aniversario comenzará con la Semana Laudato Si’ 2020, a partir del 16 de mayo, y proseguirá con varias iniciativas conjuntas realizadas con un claro énfasis en una “conversión ecológica en acción”. Todo el mundo está invitado a participar en la celebración de este aniversario. La urgencia de la situación requiere respuestas inmediatas, holísticas y unificadas en todos los niveles: local, regional, nacional e internacional. 

 ESP-Laudato si' Año Aniversario Especial - programa

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Laudato si' Anno dell'Anniversario Speciale 2020-2021

Un anno speciale di celebrazioni dell'Enciclica di Papa Francesco sulla cura della Casa Comune

Il Dicastero per il Servizio dello Sviluppo Umano Integrale è felice di annunciare che a partire dal 24 maggio 2020 fino al 24 maggio 2021 verrà istituito un anno speciale dedicato alla celebrazione dell’anniversario della Laudato Si’. Ci auguriamo che questo anno e il decennio a venire possano realmente costituire un tempo di grazia, un’esperienza di vero Kairos e un tempo di “Giubileo” per la Terra, per l’umanità e per tutte le creature di Dio. L’anno di anniversario si aprirà con la Settimana Laudato Si’ 2020 e proseguirà con una serie di iniziative congiunte che porranno l’accento su una “conversione ecologica in azione”. Invitiamo tutti quanti a unirsi a noi. L’urgenza della situazione è tale da richiedere risposte immediate, olistiche e unificate a tutti i livelli, sia locali che regionali, nazionali e internazionali.

IT-Laudato si' Anno dell'Anniversario Speciale 2020-2021 - programma

12 de junio de 2020

We celebrated Laudato si' week

from USA
Province USA-Haiti
All of us on the JPIC team participated in many Webinars and shared them in Bridges with our province.  Here are the topics that nourished us:

Laudato Si at 5 – As Prophetic & Relevant as Ever – we need to go to the roots of climate change, injustice; be moved by compassion for one another in this COVID & economic crisis to ‘build a better future’ in our interconnected world

Retreat Experience – we pondered our interconnectedness with all God’s creation; grew in awareness of our need to develop an ecological spirituality, a deep presence to all God’s creation.

Eco-spirituality – deepening our communion with Creation – we appreciated the Spirit in & within all that surrounds us – Divine presence; we need to draw on traditions of incarnational & sacramental spirituality; we are called to change our mindset with each creature.

Sustainability – time for the Church to Lead by Example – we saw a need for sustainable energy.

Bishops Round Table Conversation – from Oklahoma, Los Angeles & San Diego, CA – we heard the call to conversion for earth’s healing; we are connected, interdependent, and need to question our life-styles, values and what we call ‘progress’.

Social Action – Integral Ecology & Community Building in Global Pandemic – we looked at the extinction of animals, cultures around our planet; we need to create new ways of a ‘solidarity economy’ that respects our planet & the inclusion of all people.

Actions:  and so we reflected, embraced our connectedness & interdependence with one another and our earth, respected, discovered the beauty around us through the gift of our senses, gave thanks, educated, began desiring & changing our ways of being, loving, caring…

in the symphony 
of God’s creatures great and small

beholding the panoramic beauty

we long to walk together again  in safety

all around our planet earth

discovering the Divine in our midst

germinating new life in our relationships

from the womb of isolation and technological global connectedness

To read more on these topics, please go to Bridges of May 22 and 29 at www.rjmusa.org

Rosie Nicholson, RJM

9 de junio de 2020

We celebrated Laudato si' week

from India
Kohima community
Vice-Province of Kolkata

It was a very exciting and enriching week for the RJM community of Kohima, where we live and celebrate life very vibrantly among the different tribes of Nagaland.
We are surrounded by beautiful mountain ranges as well as by natural beauty. We are living in a paradise on earth, where flora and fauna is abundant, and the place chants God’s gratuitous gift of love to humankind.

8 de junio de 2020

Así vivimos la Semana Laudato si'

desde España

Desde Jesús-María España nos hemos unido como colaboradores a la Semana Laudato Si, que se ha celebrado del 16 al 24 de mayo.

Se han elaborado y facilitado materiales para poder tomar conciencia y reflexionar sobre el cuidado de nuestra casa común.

La situación que estamos viviendo por la pandemia mundial, ha ayudado a sensibilizarnos, haciéndonos conscientes de que “el cuidado de la naturaleza, es parte de un estilo de vida que implica capacidad de convivencia y de comunión. Y, ahora, más que nunca, necesitamos un nuevo enfoque integral para poder hablar de una fraternidad universal.” (cf LS 228)

Como hizo Santa Claudina, y como gran familia de Jesús-María, queremos seguir caminando juntos, en la vida cotidiana, para comprometernos en favor de la justicia social y de la justicia ambiental.

Deseamos que, en este año especial dedicado a la Encíclica Laudato Si, la actitud de contemplación, el gesto de la ternura y la compasión, nos ensanchen la  mirada, para que tenga en cuenta todos los factores de la crisis mundial. Y, desde ahí, podamos mantener la pregunta, ¿por dónde continuamos? 

5 de junio de 2020

We celebrated Laudato si' week

from Pakistan
Community of Sialkot

Laudato Si’ Week honors the fifth anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical on care for our common home. The theme of the week was “everything is connected.” Following Pope Francis’ invitation to join Laudato Si’ Week, the community organized this week in a very creative way.

The Book of Genesis Chapter 1 on Creation was our theme. Each day we read the days of creation and placed symbols according to that day.

During our Vespers we read a paragraph from “Laudato Si” that was related to the Book of Genesis on creation.

On the third day we planted a tree in our garden to join in celebrating “care for our earth”.

Laudato Si’ Week was concluded with a prayer service in the Community Room. Psalms and hymns related to creation were visualized on the television with time given for reflection and sharing. The sharing was simple and inspiring and all were grateful for this time spent in reflecting on our common home.

“Heed the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor” Pope Francis

During Laudato Si” Week we came to know about some families living in Pasrur 15 Kilometres away from Sialkot who have no means of feeding their families during this lockdown due to Pandemic COVID 19. Henceforth we were very worried and concerned about them. Thus we got some food bags ready and sent them with our Office Staff members.  Most of the families living in this area are Christian, uneducated and have no proper jobs. The families were very happy and grateful for the help given to them.

21st May 
There are many Christian families in the villages where we go regularly for our pastoral work, they are uneducated thus no jobs and depend absolutely on daily wages. Hence we were very happy to help them with food bags. We feel they are the most deserving families living in dire poverty and also it is part of our community project. The families were extremely grateful for our generosity and we will continue to help those who are most needy and deprived.


“O God of the poor, helps us to rescue the abandoned” Pope Francis

On 22nd May, our Parish Priest, Fr. Ashraf Gill and Fr. Abid Albert, requested to help some most deprived families with food, living near the border between India and Pakistan in Sialkot.  These families depend on daily wages, as their only income is from wedding celebrations and due to the current situation, are not able to feed their families.  Thus the Priests were able to go to this area which is far from the city of Sialkot and gave the food bags to the respective families. All of them were very happy and grateful for the food given to them and ensured the Sisters of their prayers.

4 de junio de 2020

We celebrated Laudato si' week

from India
Silchar community
Vice-Province of Kolkata

The Laudato Si Week was observed by Seva Kendra which is the Diocesan social work project for which the Jesus and Mary sisters collaborate with other religious congregations.

For observing the week the field staff mobilised the women group, children group and also people from the community.  

The week was observed on three days of the week. Some villages took up plantation of trees. Saplings were provided to them. In some villages, growing a  kitchen garden was encouraged. They planted bringal, tomato, chillies and beans. In some other villages, they were given input sessions on global warming and the need to have eco friendly life style. 

They also had cleanliness drive and instructed people of the village to have proper disposal of wastes material so as to have healthy atmosphere.

2 de junio de 2020

We celebrated Laudato si' week

from East Timor
Vice-Province of Kolkata

"Thus began an ongoing dialogue that involves continuous prayer, reflection, assessment and action. We felt impelled by the encyclical towards an ecological conversion and integral ecology. We embraced the transformative visions of our dear Claudine and other ancestors in faith to incarnate a lived response in our way of being RJMs, both at personal and communal levels. Thus, we sought out concrete ways to live Laudato si every day". 

1 de junio de 2020

We celebrated Laudato si' week

from India
CJM Fort Convent, Mumbai
Province of Pune

  • We have been slowed down, meditated and prayed for God’s guidance to live more sustainably with all Creation by setting up an ambience of nature around the altar during the adoration...
  • We have examined our living pattern and daily habits of consumption of energy, water and food...
  • We have avoided using plastics as much as possible. Use more biodegradable materials like, Earthen pots for gardening and cardboard containers and cloth bags whenever possible...
  • We have spent more time in natural surroundings rather than in front of the Television, Computer, Mobile phone etc. especially for relaxation...
  • Spent quality time with the Community, caring for others especially the vulnerable like the elderly Sisters by doing our own cooking, cleaning, praying and sharing meals together...
  • We have Presented a potted plant instead of floral bouquets to our guests...