12 de junio de 2020

We celebrated Laudato si' week

from USA
Province USA-Haiti
All of us on the JPIC team participated in many Webinars and shared them in Bridges with our province.  Here are the topics that nourished us:

Laudato Si at 5 – As Prophetic & Relevant as Ever – we need to go to the roots of climate change, injustice; be moved by compassion for one another in this COVID & economic crisis to ‘build a better future’ in our interconnected world

Retreat Experience – we pondered our interconnectedness with all God’s creation; grew in awareness of our need to develop an ecological spirituality, a deep presence to all God’s creation.

Eco-spirituality – deepening our communion with Creation – we appreciated the Spirit in & within all that surrounds us – Divine presence; we need to draw on traditions of incarnational & sacramental spirituality; we are called to change our mindset with each creature.

Sustainability – time for the Church to Lead by Example – we saw a need for sustainable energy.

Bishops Round Table Conversation – from Oklahoma, Los Angeles & San Diego, CA – we heard the call to conversion for earth’s healing; we are connected, interdependent, and need to question our life-styles, values and what we call ‘progress’.

Social Action – Integral Ecology & Community Building in Global Pandemic – we looked at the extinction of animals, cultures around our planet; we need to create new ways of a ‘solidarity economy’ that respects our planet & the inclusion of all people.

Actions:  and so we reflected, embraced our connectedness & interdependence with one another and our earth, respected, discovered the beauty around us through the gift of our senses, gave thanks, educated, began desiring & changing our ways of being, loving, caring…

in the symphony 
of God’s creatures great and small

beholding the panoramic beauty

we long to walk together again  in safety

all around our planet earth

discovering the Divine in our midst

germinating new life in our relationships

from the womb of isolation and technological global connectedness

To read more on these topics, please go to Bridges of May 22 and 29 at www.rjmusa.org

Rosie Nicholson, RJM

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