27 de septiembre de 2017

Activity at Karunalaya Dispensary Anklav, Vadodara, India

In keeping with the World Cancer Day an awareness talk on the same was organized  for the women at Karunalaya Dispensary Anklav on 27.2.17 at 9:45 am Many women from the nearby villages of Anklav were present.
Sr. Theresa George RJM being the resource person of the  day mainly spoke on the  CANCER as whole with special emphasis on uterine and breast cancer.  She mainly spoke on the signs and symptoms of cancer like weight loss, anemia, generalized debility , anorexia … with the signs of the breast cancer like painless lump in the breast or axilla, bleeding or any discharge from the breast , change in the shape and size of the breast and in the nipple needs to be observed and watched for. For the cancer of the uterus and cervix like abnormal discharges which is offensive, dyspareunia or spotting of the blood seen after menopause are the main causes.
Besides this Sr. also emphasized on the importance of hygiene. Cleanliness is next to Godliness where keeping the surroundings clean and maintenance of personal hygiene can prevent cancer and other diseases.
A special  emphasis was stressed on education. Where by educating one girl you educate the whole house , and by educating one woman you educate the  whole society. A woman is a beacon of light in her family and it is the same woman who loves and feels for her others. Role of a woman in the society is very important  and where by  her presence the whole world could be transformed. So we as women need not be ashamed but need to  feel proud of our existence. So she encouraged the women to avail the opportunities given to them like vocational training …. and in turn make good use of it. So education plays a key role in the life of a woman and allows the woman not to be submissive but to uphold their rights and dignity.

20 de septiembre de 2017

A peace rally to conscientise authorities

(An error in the State Board Hindi Text book)

Our country, India is a land of people belonging to different cultures, traditions, languages, colour, caste and creed. Where people practice different faiths and follow different religious. The unity despite diversities is of utmost importance. But the recent happenings in terms of attacks to the Christian Minority Community are of serious concern to the very existence and living of this peace loving community. We have contributed our best in the growth, welfare and advancement of our country through our educational institutions, our hospitals and community welfare institutions.
Despite the services rendered we find ourselves trapped in various unwanted, politically motivated and supported conflicts for absolutely no genuine reason. 

One of these reasons was the reference to Jesus, our Saviour as "Haiwan". (The Hindi word for "Satan") in the text book produced, printed and recommended by the Gujarat State Board of Schools Text books by the State Government in the Hindi subject studied by the students of class IX all over the state. 
To highlight and rectify this discrepancy, a silent peace rally was conducted by all the Christian groups on 12th June, 2017 in protest against reference to Our Lord Jesus as "Haiwan" (Satan). 
Religious leaders, principals, RJMs, and lay leaders of the Christian Churches and Missionary Schools briefed the Collector on how we show and express our respect and concern for all faiths in our institutions. They gave an account of the celebration of various festivals in schools through which children are taught to practise inter-faith harmony and sensitivity towards one and all. 
The solidarity expressed by the Christians during this rally was a note worthy feature of the entire silent protest. 

In an era where the world has reached its peak in advancements in various fields, we the Christian minorities have made massive contribution to the promotion of values, ideals and helped the youth who have educated themselves in our schools, to create a unique place and position in the society and leave an outstanding mark of their Alma Mater wherever and in whatever profession they undertake.
We hope that there will be no discrimination among us and such gross errors that lay a negative impact on young minds and hearts be taken care of by our political leaders and that peace prevails in a country that celebrates unity in diversity.
Sisters of Vadodara Province

15 de septiembre de 2017

Le Temps de la Création/Season of Creation/El Tiempo de la Creación/Il tempo del Creato

 Le 1er Septembre a été proclamé comme la Journée mondiale de prière pour la création par l’Eglise Orthodoxe en 1989, et de nombreuses églises chrétiennes ont rejoint depuis lors, avec le Pape François, plus récemment en 2015. Le Temps de la Création a étéétendue pour une durée d’un mois, qui setermine le 4 d’ Octobre (Fête de Saint François d’Assise). En savoir plus avec cette vidéo.

Sept. 1 to Oct. 4 we pray and act together for Creation: http://seasonofcreation.org/

Desde el 1 de septiembre hasta el 4 de Octubre, Cristianos alrededor del mundo se juntan para rezar por el cuidado de la creación.

Dal 1 settembre fino al 4 ottobre, Cristiani in tutto il mondo si riuniranno per pregare ed aver cura del Creato. Partecipa ad un servizio di preghiera locale vicino a te oppure organizza il tuo evento.

5 de septiembre de 2017

Il lamento della Montagna/El lamento de la Montaña

Stella Tognon*

Fino a venti o trenta anni fa, appena sciolta la neve, venivano i montanari a ripulire i miei prati. Più avanti le donne raccoglievano radicchio, asparagi, cumo e crauti e insegnavano ai giovani, che salivano con loro, a conoscere e a rispettare le piante, le erbe e i fiori.
A giugno le mucche raggiungevano le mie cime, accompagnate dai mandriani, pascolavano l’erba e il tintinnio dei loro campanacci rallegrava il mio paesaggio.
Le donne nei casolari facevano il burro, il formaggio, la ricotta, la polenta, preparavano il cibo genuino per tutta la famiglia.
Gli uomini e i ragazzi falciavano l’erba, i bambini correvano felici per i prati, le ragazze andavano alle piccole sorgenti o alle pozze (o cisterne) a prendere l’acqua e poi aiutavano a rastrellare il fieno.
Al tramonto del sole si formavano bei gruppi per cantare e poi con il lume a petrolio, tutti sul fienile a dormire.
Ad agosto incominciava la raccolta delle fragole. lamponi, mirtilli e funghi. A settembre i cacciatori di buon mattino facevano le loro battute di caccia e portavano a casa uccelli e lepri.
Ero contenta di dare lavoro, cibo e salute ai miei montanari.
Infine (verso l’autunno i boscaioli) venivano a tagliare la legna per l’inverno e a raccogliere le foglie secche per fare il letto alle mucche ed io, felice di aver dato tanto, mi addormentavo sotto la neve.
Ora non è più così… è arrivata la tecnica che pian piano mi distrugge. Troppe strade, troppe ruote rovinano i miei sentieri, i rumori dei motori disturbano la mia quiete, i gas inquinano, i miei fiori scompaiono, le rane nelle pozze muoiono, i piccoli ruscelli si perdono, gli uccelli vanno altrove… e quanti rovi crescono! che mi soffocano.
Perché si gettano concimi chimici nei miei prati?
Perché tante immondizie nei cespugli?
E perché tanti incendi?
La neve non mi copre più…Quest’anno non ho dormito, mi sento vecchia e stanca.  Ho paura di bruciare, ho paura di morire.
Rifletti un po’ o uomo della tecnica, non puoi sapere stando seduto al tavolino cosa mi serve; Sali le mie cime siediti, osserva…e. ascolta.
Impara dai miei montanari. Ho bisogno delle loro braccia, della loro esperienza per il giusto equilibrio della natura e ...della mia vita.
Impara ad amarmi, vedrai che tornerà la neve, torneranno gli uccelli, l’acqua nei ruscelli, i fiori nei prati ed io, contenta, ti aiuterò a vivere.

*Stella Tognon, sorella della S. Maria Bertilla Tognon RJM

El lamento de la Montaña
Hasta hace 20 o 30 años, apenas se derretía la nieve, los montañeses llegaban para limpiar mis campos. Más tarde, las mujeres recogían achicoria, espárragos, comino y espinacas salvajes… y les enseñaban a los jóvenes que habían ido con ellas a la montaña, a conocer y respetar las plantas, las hierbas y las flores.
En el mes de junio, las vacas llegaban a mis cimas acompañadas de los pastores (Mandriani); pastaban la hierba y alegraban mi paisaje con el tintineo de sus campañillas.
Las mujeres en las granjas hacían la manteca, el queso, la ricota, la polenta, preparaban el alimento artesanal para toda la familia.
Los hombres y los niños cortaban la hierba, los pequeños corrían felices por los campos, las niñas iban a las pequeñas fuentes o a los pozos a buscar el agua y después ayudaban a rastrillar el heno.
A la caída del sol, se formaban hermosos grupos para cantar y después con el candil, todos a dormir en el granero.
En agosto, comenzaba la recolección de las fresas, frambuesas, arándanos y setas. En septiembre, temprano por la mañana, los cazadores hacían su batida y traían a casa pájaros y liebres.
Yo era feliz de darles trabajo, comida y salud a mis montañeses.
Hacia el otoño, finalmente, los leñadores venían a cortar la leña para el invierno y a recoger las hojas secas para hacer la cama a las vacas y yo, feliz de haber dado tanto, me dormía bajo la nieve.
Ahora no es como antes… llegó la técnica que poco a poco me destruye. Muchos caminos, muchas ruedas arruinan mis senderos, los ruidos de los motores perturban mi quietud, el gas contamina, mis flores desaparecen, las ranas se mueren en los charcos, los pequeños arroyos desaparecen, las aves se van a otra parte… y cuántas malezas crecen que me sofocan.
¿Por qué echan tantos pesticidas en mis prados?
¿Por qué tanta basura en los arbustos?
Y ¿por qué tantos incendios?
La nieve no me cubre más… este año no pude dormir, me siento vieja y cansada. Tengo miedo de quemarme, tengo miedo de morir.
Reflexiona un poco, hombre de la técnica, sentado a una mesa no puedes saber lo que necesito; sube a mis cimas, siéntate, observa… y escucha.
Aprende de los montañeses. Necesito de sus brazos, de su experiencia por el justo equilibrio de la naturaleza y … de mi vida.
Aprende a amarme, verás que volverá la nieve, volverán los pájaros, el agua a los arroyos, las flores en los prados y yo, contenta, te ayudaré a vivir.

2 de septiembre de 2017

St. Joseph High School, PASHAM, Pune, India

A Social awareness program

The School conducted  an awareness program about the fundamental rights and duties as well as the importance of planting  trees and safe driving.
The activity was a kaleidoscope in mime and music, and it was very powerfully portrayed .
The thousand strong crowed of parents and students was mesmerized by the performance. It included the importance of the girl child by laying stress on gender equality.
The harm caused by cutting down trees and its repercussions like sound pollution, noise pollution and air pollution besides climatic change.
The danger involved in drunken driving and the merits of obeying traffic rules.
The right to progress lies in education and it puts an end to exploitation in society.
Making people aware of the beauty of unity and diversity.
Each one aptly reaching out to the third priority and very strongly committed to Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation. 

1 de septiembre de 2017

1 September: World Day prayer for the Care of Creation

Video made by Sr. Rosemary Nicholson RJM
Music with words - "God of All Creation" by David Hass in his CD "As Water to the Thirsty"

Journée Mondiale de Prière pour la Sauvegarde de la Création, 1er septembre 2017.

Jornada Mundial de Oración por el Cuidado de la Creación, 1° de septiembre de 2017.

1 September: 3rd World Day For the Care of Creation - A PROPOSAL OF PRAYER

Il Dicastero per il Servizio dello Sviluppo Umano Integrale ha preparato, come ogni anno, una semplice
guida per aiutare i fedeli a partecipare alla 3° Giornata mondiale di preghiera per la cura del Creato.

Il Santo Padre ci invita ad "assumere un atteggiamento rispettoso e responsabile verso il creato" (Udienza generale del 30 agosto 2017). 
La preghiera, da soli, in famiglia o in comunità, aiuta ed educa ad assumere tale atteggiamento. 

Il nostro invito è quello di riservare qualche minuto alla preghiera, sia il 1 settembre che nei giorni seguenti. La guida è interattiva e si può seguire sul proprio smartphone, tablet, computer, o stampare. 


As every year, the Dicastery for promoting Human Integral Development  has prepared, a
simple Guide in order to help the faithful to participate in the 3rd World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.

The Holy Father invites us to "assume a
respectful and responsible attitude towards
Creation"(General Audience, August 30, 2017).
Prayer, alone, in the family or in a community,
does help and educate to assume that attitude.
We invite you to reserve some
minutes for prayer, both on September 1st and in the following days. 
The guide is interactive and you can read and follow it on your smartphone, tablet, computer, or you can print it. 

The Joint Message by His Holiness Pope Francis and His Holiness  Bartholomew I, Archbishop of Costantinople,  for the Third World Day for the Care of Creation will be delivered on the 1st September 2017. 

READ IT on www.vatican.va