30 de marzo de 2018

Visit to The Convent of Jesus and Mary - Sangamner Mission School

Human values are fast deteriorating. Love, empathy, kindness etc are giving way to other priorities. In order to instill awareness and enrich values in our children, St. Joseph High School, Pashan, takes the  initiative to take students to visit missionary schools and orphanages every year. 
During one such drive the students and teachers of our school visited the Sangamner Mission School, on the 17th of February 2018. 
Our main aim was to bring about an awareness in our students, and to reach out to the less privileged. We wanted our children to realize that they can be happy and content in any situation and that they should see how these children manage to cope with their lives and excel in their studies at the same time.
The first hand experience gave our students:
  1. A ‘personal touch’ to their feelings. 
  2. Built an intention to ‘WANT’ to reach out to the needy. 
  3. A ‘Learning to share ‘, besides sponsoring some poor children to get a good education.
The first thing we noticed was the simplicity of their wants - i.e. The need for love.
Our children interacted with these children by listening to them, sharing their experiences, hearing hymns and songs prepared by them especially for us. Such talent! 
The students of St. Joseph High School Pashan, sang and danced for them and spent memorable moments together.
Later the children played games and then had a meal together too.
What our children learnt that day was that they should be grateful to their parents and thankful to God for all the things they are blessed with.
The inner strength in the face of adversity was something that served as a take away for our children.
Despite their condition, students thrive when given an opportunity.
Our children need ‘Something’ or ‘Someone’ to help them become achievers. 
A ‘Good Education’ is the ‘Something’ and ‘WE’ inculcating ‘Good Values’ are the ‘Someone’!

St. Joseph High School – Pashan

29 de marzo de 2018

Promotion of Peace and Justice - CJM, Fort, Mumbai, India

Children visiting Destitute Homes of the Missionaries of Charity called Asha Daan during Christmas Reach out programme.
The aim is to create sensitivity towards the senior citizens.

Visiting Home for the Ages at All Saints Home.

Pre-Primary students celebrating Christmas 
with Prem Dan children in Fort Convent.

Helpers day with the supporting staff of Fort Convent 
on the feast of St. Claudine.

Reaching out to less privileged children 
of St. Stephen, Cumballa Hill.
Interacting with specially abled children 
at A.D.A.P.T., Colaba.

Children participated 
in the Campion school 
75th anniversary programme.

Harmony with collaboration-
Joining hands with students of other school
to bring peace and harmony through singing.

By playing music and Children participated in the Republic day programme on 26th January 2018 
at Cooperage and Nathalal Parekh marg along with other 27 schools.

Fort Convent school girls 
marching with their flags.

Fort Convent girls cheering
the March Past students.

28 de marzo de 2018

Empowerment of the girl child

Girls today need to be equipped with skills that will help them live in a society where girls and women are treated as second class citizens where women are forced to walk three steps behind a man. Even when attacked or raped they are subjected to unjust questionings and always the cause of the action of men. Girls are therefore trained in Martial Arts so as to face a world where women can defend themselves. And live as citizens on par with men. 

Via Crucis...

Acompañando el camino del Crucificado a través de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

por Jorge Ruiz, cmf 
claretianos de Santiago

27 de marzo de 2018

Via Crucis - Stations of the Cross

preparado por JPIC de la UISG, año 2018

ENG- Stations of the Cross

En la oración de este año queremos unirnos de manera especial a nuestros hermanos y hermanas que viven en condición de migrantes y refugiados. Reflexionaremos sobre sus historias en el espíritu del mensaje del Papa Francisco para la Jornada Mundial de la Paz, en el que nos invita a acoger, proteger, promover e integrar en nuestras comunidades a estos hermanos y hermanas que buscan la paz. En este vía crucis, Jesús recorre el camino doloroso de los migrantes y refugiados y nos guía con su paz. Por eso, también nosotros queremos conmemorar este camino en solidaridad con tantas personas que dejan sus hogares en busca de la tierra prometida, la tierra de leche y miel (Ex 3,8), que es el Reino de Dios que Jesús anuncia. En este vía crucis tenemos presentes a todas las comunidades y personas que están viviendo la ardua experiencia de la migración, y a todos los que trabajan con migrantes y refugiados. Rezamos por todos los que están tratando de construir un mundo mejor, un mundo sin fronteras, sin murallas, y por tantos hombres y mujeres que han abierto sus ojos y corazones a la dura realidad de este fenómeno y quieren involucrarse en su solución...
This year we want to journey in prayer, in a special way, with our sisters and brothers who are migrants and refugees. We will reflect on their life stories in the spirit of the message of Pope Francis for the World Day of Peace. Pope Francis invites us to welcome, to protect, to promote and integrate them in our communities because they are our brothers and sisters in search of peace. It is in this Way of the Cross, that Jesus himself is walking the sorrowful journey of the migrants and refugees and guiding us with his own peace. For that reason, we want to commemorate this journey in solidarity with those people who leave their homes in search of the promised land, the land of milk and honey (Ex 3:8) which is the reign of God that Jesus Himself announces. This Way of the Cross is intended for all those communities and people who are living in the difficult experience of migration, and for those who work with migrants and refugees. We hold in prayer all those who are trying to build a better world, a world without borders, without walls and those women and men who have opened their eyes and hearts to the harsh reality of this phenomenon and want to be challenged by it...

Quest’anno vogliamo fare questo viaggio di preghiera in modo speciale, insieme a quei nostri fratelli e sorelle che sono migranti e rifugiati. Rifletteremo sulle loro storie di vita nello spirito del messaggio per la Giornata Mondiale della Pace di Papa Francesco, che ci invita ad accoglierli, proteggerli, sostenerli e integrarli nelle nostre comunità, perché sono nostri fratelli e sorelle in cerca di pace. Nella Via Crucis, Gesù stesso percorre il cammino di dolore dei migranti e i rifugiati e ci guida verso la sua pace. Per questo, vogliamo commemorare questo cammino in solidarietà con coloro che sono costretti ad abbandonare le proprie case alla ricerca della terra promessa, verso un paese dove scorre latte e miele (Es. 3, 8), il regno di Dio che Gesù stesso è venuto ad annunciare. Questa Via Crucis è dedicata a tutte quelle persone e comunità che stanno passando attraverso la difficile esperienza della migrazione, e a coloro che lavorano con migranti e rifugiati. Sosteniamo con la nostra preghiera coloro che cercano di costruire un mondo migliore, un mondo senza confini, senza barriere, e tutte le donne e gli uomini che hanno aperto i propri occhi e il proprio cuore alla dura realtà di questo fenomeno e vogliono affrontarlo.

26 de marzo de 2018

Rally against child abuse

A rally was organized to bring about an awareness of the atrocities meted out towards the girl child. 
To mark the “Day of the girl child” on 8th September  2017,  children  very  enthusiastically showed their solidarity with all the girls who are abused  physically, emotionally and sexually. Being girls themselves they were eager to voice their concern, objection  and  need for justice to  the world that seems  undisturbed to the plight of women and girls irrespective of age.


23 de marzo de 2018

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

To protect environment we adopted three methods Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

a) Plastic – to reduce practice, the students made eco-bricks from plastic bags filling the plastic bottles. These plastic bags filled bottles will be used as bricks to build toilets.

b) Reuse – The parents were asked to use paper bags or cloth bags to buy their vegetables, groceries, etc. and not to use glossy papers to wrap their gifts.

c) Recycle -  The students made Christmas tree from used plastic bottles. 

Awareness programme – Children were taken to Art and Craft exhibition where the renowned artists had made art work from waste material at the Kala Ghoda festival.

22 de marzo de 2018

St.Joseph High School Pashan, Pune. INDIA

45 students and 3 teachers from Probodhan Vidyalaya, a tribal school from our state of Maharashtra, were accorded a warm welcome at St. Joseph High School, Pashan. They were given a unique experience of a city school. The sisters of the community spent time with the students, listening to their stories and experiences. They made them feel at home with meals and a comfortable stay. The community bid them fond farewell after two days and two nights with gifts. 

13 de marzo de 2018

An effort to promote peace

International Peace Day 21st October 2017

An effort to promote peace in Pakistan starts at Convent of Jesus and Mary, Lahore through the peace cranes which carry the message of peace, love, friendship, hope, light, laughter, kind deeds and a life time bond with human kind.

On, 21st September 2017, in the Claudine Hall, Matric Section commemorated International Day of Peace to create awareness on the importance of peace in this unrest and demanding world. Through this celebration children learnt to connect with themselves and discovered the power of peace.

An angelic choir started off with the hymn “Make me an instrument of your peace” a prayer by St. Francis of Assisi – it is a part of daily routine to start our day. A projection of Peace Art Work and peace building activities were the anchor of this day. A candle was lit by Sr. Mari Puy RJM (Spain) the headmistress, Sr. Clara Hussain, Sr. Samina David along with the students, so the warmth instills in them and light always shine through these bright faces.
The students took oath to be peace ambassadors, and a tableau was performed by the students with the message, that I can be a “Shama of Aman امن کی شمع ” (a light of peace). Later the hall was filled with the positive energy, joy and harmony by a peace dance performed by juniors. A peace crane project was introduced to the school, it is the connection of one classroomn to another globally, Matric Section is now a part of global team spreading the message of peace through peace cranes. Children participated in series of International events throughout the year and held top positions at national and international level.

The winners were announced and certificates of positions and participation were distributed among them. Students participated in Peace Essay Writing Competition 2017, organized by Peace building Department, Diocese of Raiwind Church of Pakistan, International Essay Contest for young people 2017 on the theme “Learning from Nature” organized by The Goi Peace Foundation (Japan), exchanged peace letters with India, and participated in an Art Exhibition on the theme “Nature for all-loving the Earth” organized by Peace Pals International (USA). 

The event was hosted by Ms. Christina Patras, along with the other staff members, Mrs. Noreen Simon, the coordinator, Mrs. Monica Sajeel, Ms. Romna Liaqat, Ms. Nadia Sabir and Ms. Maryann Patras to . Special thanks to Sr. Pilar Vila San Juan Sagnier RJM the principal and Sr. Farzana Philip RJM the former headmistress for being the inspiration and giving the freedom to work for peace.

Reported by: Ms. Christina Patras
Composed by: Mr. Alyas Sardar

11 de marzo de 2018


Our Senior Section pay tribute to the late Asma Jehangir, a past pupil of our Convent of Jesus and Mary School, Lahore. She was a prominent human rights lawyer, social activist and pro democracy activist who was fearless in her condemnation of injustice everywhere and fearless as she championed the rights of women and minorities consistently. She fought for the downtrodden and marginalized everywhere. Despite continual death threats she continued her work until God called her home on February 11th 2018.

9 de marzo de 2018

8 de marzo: día de la mujer

Compartimos las palabras de una alumna del Colegio Regina, de Ciudad de México. ¡Muchas gracias, Carmen, por tu mensaje!

"Hoy, 8 de marzo puedo decirles lo orgullosa que me siento de ser mujer, de haber crecido alrededor de la influencia y el legado de mujeres que además de haber trasformado el mundo por medio de la educación, lucharon por sus sueños.

Todo empezó hace más de 2000 años, cuando una mujer en Nazaret, llamada María, tuvo que enfrentar a la sociedad sin importar lo que fueran a decir de ella, porque estaba esperando el Hijo de Dios; desde esa fortaleza empezó el legado que hoy conocemos como Jesús- María.

Desde el principio de los tiempos las mujeres hemos sido oídas como ecos de voces, porque antes se aplicaba la ley del más fuerte físicamente. Actualmente, puedo decirles que ya no es quien tiene más fuerza física, hoy trasciende quien tiene más fuerza de voluntad, más fuerza de alcanzar sus sueños, de luchar por la libertad.

En 1792,  nadie creyó que una mujer llamada Mary Wollstonecraft escribiría la Reivindicación de los derechos de la mujer, nadie pensó que en 1818 una mujer francesa llamada Claudina Thévenet iba a fundar una Congregación luchando por el derecho de la educación de la mujer; de la misma manera, nadie imaginó que en 1937 una mujer sería la piloto que más distancia recorriera en avión

¿Quién siquiera se hubiera imaginado, que en la época de mas conflicto racial en Estados Unidos, la afroamericana Rosa Parks  iba a negarle  su asiento a un hombre blanco, empezando una protesta a favor de los derechos civiles de los afroamericanos?

¿Quién en Latinoamérica se imaginó que algún día, Efrosina Cruz, una indígena zapoteca, iba a luchar frente a la cámara de diputados por la equidad de género en su país?

Y cómo olvidar a la joven pakistaní Malalá, que casi pierde la vida, al luchar en contra de los talibanes por su fuerte deseo de tener una educación sin importar su género.

¡NADIE!, nadie pensaba que esto era posible hasta que ese nadie se volvió en alguien.

Recordando a estas mujeres, lo que más admiro de Claudina, además de su capacidad de vivir el perdón , admiro su forma de confiar en Dios y sobretodo en ella, admiro su forma de alejarse de lo conocido y descubrir que hay mucho más. 

Jesús-María cree que la mujer puede ser educada.Es tiempo de  dejar de ser oídas para empezar a  ser escuchadas, porque hoy, ya no somos ecos de voces, somos nuestra propia voz, nuestra propia fortaleza.

Hoy te invito a que ese alguien, que deja huella, que hace historia y transforma su realidad,  ¡seas tú!.

Te invito a que seas la mejor versión de ti, te la juegues por lo que crees, luches por lo correcto, por tus sueños y trabajes porque un día, esta sociedad sea justa y equitativa.

Carmen Ferrer Balbín
Alumna de 5° Preparatoria