From St. Bede's Community, Shimla, India
Magdalene - Plastic: By minimum use of plastic, we could protect
our Nature from harmful hazards which affect the life on the planet.
Aloysius Kadam – Flowers: Flowers are one of the most beautiful
creations and expressions of God and it represents fulness of joy and peace.
Flowers are also used as a form of offering to God. Like the flowers, we too
continue offering ourselves to God and His people so that we may spread His
fragrance of goodness, love and forgiveness.
Marina – Paper: By minimum use of paper, we could save our plants
and trees which are the source of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide.
Lily – Vegetables from our Garden: By growing vegetables in our
garden, we will promote more organic farming which is free from pesticides and
chemicals. This will have a good effect on our overall health and will protect
our bodies from poisonous substances.
Shyma – Light: The absence of darkness is light. Light promotes
growth and creates energy. Light also symbolises the presence of God. So as a
Religious Sister of the Congregation of Jesus and Mary, we pledge to become
beacons of light (God) and care for our Mother Earth through our life’s
Geeta Mary - Water: Water replenishes life and is the source of
every living creature. We pledged to save water for our future generations and
make use of this natural resource with a sense of responsibility.
Ivy Mary – Wet and Dry Waste: By segregating the garbage into dry
and wet waste, we will help in the process of recycling objects and things
which will add to saving our resources for the future generations.
Binita Surin – Plants: A Plant is a source of food and life to
every creature on the earth. We pledged to grow more saplings so that we will
create more of green forests to save the Earth from pollution and global
thanked the Lord for this great gift of creation and concluded our prayer
service with a thanksgiving hymn.

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