27 de octubre de 2020

Celebramos el Tiempo de la Creación en nuestras redes (Argentina-Uruguay y México)


Desde México

Se celebró un tiempo de oración 
junto a jóvenes. 

desde Argentina-Uruguay AFJM

Durante el mes del Tiempo de la Creación los grupos de AFJM Argentina-Uruguay, se reunieron para rezar y profundizar en la Preferencia JM que nos llama al cuidado de la Casa Común.

Seguimos la celebración propuesta a nivel internacional y la reflexión de las palabras del Papa Francisco que se nos fue enviando cada semana de septiembre.

La AFJM fue convocada el 4 de octubre a concluir el mes de la Creación con una celebración en la que se plantó un árbol en el lugar del milagro, en Cardona-, Uruguay. Este gesto se realizó en el marco de las celebraciones del aniversario 202 de la Congregación de Jesús María, hoy más que nunca, enviada a dar muchos frutos de esperanza y amor, como lo supo hacer Claudina en su tiempo.

26 de octubre de 2020

Joins the Season of Creation

 from St. Anthony's Community, Agra, India

We shared our reflections on Nature – Season of creation – A Time to Remember and Restore during the prayer meetings. We felt one with nature, took part in plantation and continue to take care of the nature. We have also involved our co –workers in plantation. A deep awareness is felt during this time of Pandemic that we need to respect, love and take care of the nature, as we are all part of creation. Nature always been giving us but man’s greed has destroyed the nature. 

The pledge to save our common home made us aware of the urgent need to be one with the nature and to love its creator.  Our them: Nurture Nature for a better Future has become part of our   life. Thus make this world a beautiful place to live in for the next generation.

From Provintial house, New Delhi, India

A portion of our Community room was created into an atmosphere of the earth, all elements of nature, mountains, hills, rivers, trees, plants, creepers, rocks, flowers that usually surround us on our planet giving us a nostalgic feeling of our Common Home. Based on the youtube Videos, that drew us close to the reality of what is happening on Mother Earth, we were made aware of God’s original plan for humanity, our selfishness and destruction, envisaged by Pope Francis and our responsibility to take care of our Common Home.
Each one of us Sisters held a slogan in the hand like a Poster – e.g. “Save the Earth” ; “Plant trees”; “Say NO to plastic”; “love green, Live green”; “Save Electricity”; “Save Water”; “Change the World”; “Save the Planet”; “Stay alert”; “Grow Trees”; “Keep Clean, Keep Green”; “Save Life”; “ Nurture our Mother Earth”; Save our Future”; and together we took a pledge to care for the earth in our own surroundings.
May this prayer on Creation renew, repair, restore and re-energize our wounded Mother Earth and heal humanity.

23 de octubre de 2020

Echoes of Season of Creation

From St. Bede's Community, Shimla, India

As one Community, we the Sisters of St. Bede’s- Chelsea came together for a Prayer service in our Garden to feel oneness with the Nature. We began our prayer by lighting the lamp as a sign of invoking God’s presence in our midst. In order to manifest how each of us would care for our common home, we came up with different symbols as a sign of commitment to nurture the Nature. Following are the symbols brought forth by each Sister:

Sr. Magdalene - Plastic: By minimum use of plastic, we could protect our Nature from harmful hazards which affect the life on the planet.

Sr. Aloysius Kadam – Flowers: Flowers are one of the most beautiful creations and expressions of God and it represents fulness of joy and peace. Flowers are also used as a form of offering to God. Like the flowers, we too continue offering ourselves to God and His people so that we may spread His fragrance of goodness, love and forgiveness.

Sr. Marina – Paper: By minimum use of paper, we could save our plants and trees which are the source of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide.

Sr. Lily – Vegetables from our Garden: By growing vegetables in our garden, we will promote more organic farming which is free from pesticides and chemicals. This will have a good effect on our overall health and will protect our bodies from poisonous substances.

Sr. Shyma – Light: The absence of darkness is light. Light promotes growth and creates energy. Light also symbolises the presence of God. So as a Religious Sister of the Congregation of Jesus and Mary, we pledge to become beacons of light (God) and care for our Mother Earth through our life’s witness.

Sr. Geeta Mary - Water: Water replenishes life and is the source of every living creature. We pledged to save water for our future generations and make use of this natural resource with a sense of responsibility.

Sr. Ivy Mary – Wet and Dry Waste: By segregating the garbage into dry and wet waste, we will help in the process of recycling objects and things which will add to saving our resources for the future generations.

Sr. Binita Surin – Plants: A Plant is a source of food and life to every creature on the earth. We pledged to grow more saplings so that we will create more of green forests to save the Earth from pollution and global warming.

We thanked the Lord for this great gift of creation and concluded our prayer service with a thanksgiving hymn.

22 de octubre de 2020

Taking part in the Season of Creation

From Community of Dublin, Ireland

As a community here in Dublin we have enjoyed taking part in the Season of Creation. We had a lovely Prayer Service on the theme.  

We cultivated a small bio- diversity garden with beautiful wild flowers, attracting the bees, also a Plaque marking our Common Home, which is set in this garden. We also had various posters displayed in the house. All of this has inspired us to nurture and care for our beautiful world.

From CJM Dehra Dun, India

On Thursday the 24thSeptember 2020 we celebrated the ‘Jubilee for the Earth’. It was a very meaningful celebration and we were able to experience the oneness with our creator and gave glory to this marvellous works. 

21 de octubre de 2020

Celebración - Service Prayer


Proposition de célébration pour le Temps de la Création.
Année 2020: Jubié pour la Terre
Une proposition de prière avec et pour notre Maison Commune
Service Prayer Season of Creation. 
Year 2020: Jubilee for the Earth
A service prayer with and for our Common Home
Propuesta de celebración durante EL TIEMPO DE LA CREACIÓN. 
Año 2020: Jubileo por la Tierra
Una propuesta de oración con y por nuestra Casa Común

20 de octubre de 2020

Proyecto Jesús María teje...

Desde Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cuando comenzó la pandemia, comenzaba también el otoño y los días comenzaban a refrescar.

Así fue, que junto a familias de nuestros colegios de Pablo Nogués y Bella Vista (Provincia de Buenos Aires) nos pusimos a trabajar para hacernos cercanos a personas que están en situación de calle o en el sector de neonatalidad del Hospital de la ciudad. Juntamos alimentos, ropa, calzado, también Biblias que ellos mismos nos pedían. Varias familias se comprometieron a entregar todo con los cuidados necesarios en este tiempo de pandemia.

Una de las actividades que nos involucró a muchos se propuso desde la Pastoral del Colegio: se lanzó una campaña invitando a las familias a tejer cuadrados de lana de 20cm x 20 cm. Muchas abuelas y mamás, y alumnos se comprometieron y las religiosas de la comunidad unieron esos cuadrados multicolores formando preciosas y abrigadas mantas.

16 de octubre de 2020

JPIC webinar Adventure


For five weeks beginning in late July, I participated in the Laudato Si Animators webinar.  There were two groups and I joined the evening group as it fit best into my schedule and energy level.  Each webinar provided excellent speakers, enlightening Power Points, and engaging small group conversations in breakout sessions.  It was exciting sharing with people from various parts of South America, India, Africa and Canada in these breakout sessions each week.  We had homework to complete online such as reading ‘On Care For Our Common Home’, Pope Francis’ Encyclical, additional videos, resources and lots of reflective writing.  This group is trying to continue highlighting Laudato Si for the next two years so that its 7th Anniversary Year will hopefully be a moment of realizing personal and global conversion for justice, peace and the care of creation.  

Two activities particularly energized me.  One was having to write a ‘future letter’ from a child who would be writing to me 80 years from now regarding my involvement in caring for the earth and what this now elderly ‘child’ would be experiencing on this earth handed down to her.  That was a profound contemplative experience that moved me to action.

The second activity was to build a project to promote values of Laudato Si.  So, I am writing weekly newsletters to our residents at Joan of Arc Residence inviting them to:  pray ‘A Prayer for Our Earth’ by Pope Francis; reflect on God’s many blessings and give thanks; care for our earth-garden and for one another’s life by wearing a mask in common areas; perform acts of ‘healing’ earth by pulling weeds in the garden, noticing and appreciating the physical and spiritual nourishment in our midst; pray and speak out for equality, justice and an end to all racism;  share and invite those with means to contribute to our JM ‘Together More Than Ever Before’; have a plant and/or vegetable  exchange in the garden to continue a sustainable way of living right here.

So, as my/our lives are impacted with: COVID, politics, racism, hunger, demonstrations in our streets, the plight of migrants, homelessness, fires throughout the west coast, particularly here in the local San Diego hills where smoke clouds then deposited ash on our property as they headed to the ocean leaving pollution filling the sky, my involvement in JPIC ignited my desire and energy towards creating spaces where love and compassion for one another and our earth could take root in the midst of all this.  Please continue praying for the migrants we assist with food and rent and also for my migrant pen pals in the detention center near our house. COVID is a daily threat there. Thanks.

Rosie Nicholson
from Province os USA-Haiti