28 de noviembre de 2019


Delegation of Ireland

Claire Marshall from concern gave a talk to TY students on the work that concern are doing worldwide. Part of the talk was a workshop on sustainability. The students were given the 17 global sustainable development goals, they had to discuss what they felt were the most important goals.  Part of the workshop looked at the vast food waste of irish people and promoted the need for us to provide greater care of our earth and the people on it.  The TY students will be arranging a Christmas jumper day in aid of Concern.

27 de noviembre de 2019

Wave Energy Project 2019-2020

Delegation of Ireland

Our 5th Year, Senior Physics are working on a Sustainable Energy project.
Our School sits in plain view of Killala Bay on the North West coast of Ireland.
This coastline is continually pounded by a variety of Atlantic Ocean waves.
They are researching the possibility of harnessing the energy of these waves.
The will do an impact study on our environment and on our tourist industry.
They will review different models of wave energy generating machines.
Finally, they will try to adapt a generator to our Atlantic Ocean waves.

26 de noviembre de 2019

‘Gaeilge 24’ le Conradh na Gaeilge – Dé Máirt 12/11/19

Delegation of Ireland

Ba í aidhm an dúshláin seo ná daoine óga a spreagadh chun labhairt as Gaeilge amháin ar feadh 24 uair an chloig – sa bhaile, ar scoil, le siopaí agus gnólachtaí, timpeall an bhaile, sa chlub spóirt agus le cairde!
I meánscoil Íosa agus Muire in Inis Eiscir Abhainn, ghlac thart ar 120 dalta páirt sa dúshláin seo, eagraithe ag Ms O’Dowd. Bhí breis is 300 scoil agus 30,000 dalta ag glacadh páirt ar fud na tíre.
I mbliana, cuirfear brábús a thuillfear ó Gaeilge24 i dtreo Chairde an Domhain. Is grúpa iad Cairde an Domhain a bhfuil sé mar sprioc acu dul i ngleic leis na ceisteanna ba mhó i dtaobh cheartas na timpeallachta os ár gcomhair, ó thruailliú plaistigh go briseadh síos na haeráide.

The aim of this challenge was to encourage young people to try to speak Irish non-stop for one whole day – 24 hours – at home, at school, in shops and businesses, around the town, in sports clubs and with friends!
In Jesus and Mary Secondary School in Enniscrone, over 120 students took part in the challenge, organised by Ms O’Dowd. Over 300 schools and 30,000 students took part around the country.
This year, profits from Gaeilge24 will be going towards ‘Friends of the Earth’ charity. ‘Friends of the Earth’ is a community of people committed to tackling the biggest environment justice issues we face, from plastic pollution to climate breakdown.

25 de noviembre de 2019

Science week (10-17 Nov 2019)

Delegation of Ireland

Last week was National Science week, with the theme of "Sustainability", when we did extra activities in our classes to highlight proper use and care of the Earth.

22 de noviembre de 2019

Prayer in Solidarity...

... with the Vietnamese who died in Essex recently and their Families.

Delegation of Ireland

Is not this the fast I choose: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the strap of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked to cover them, and not to hide yourself from your own kin”. ( Isaiah 58: 6-7)

Oh God, we didn’t see them, but you did, the 39 Vietnamese who died recently and who join the hundreds of thousands of human beings smuggled and trafficked each year. They are trapped and sometimes die in modern day slavery. They travel under terrible conditions, they work in factories, plough fields, harvest crops, work in quarries, fill brothels, clean homes and haul water. Many are children with tiny fingers for weaving rugs and small shoulders for bearing rifles. Their labour is forced, their bodies beaten, their faces hidden from those who don’t really want to see them. But you see them all, God of the poor, you hear their cry and you answer by opening our eyes, and breaking our hearts and loosening our tongues to insist: NO MORE.

Silent Prayer Time.

We remember especially the 39 Vietnamese victims of smugglers who died recently in the container in Essex, 31 men and 8 women.   R: Lord may they now experience the fullness of your love.

We remember their families, parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, partners, children. R: Comfort and strengthen them in their unbearable grief.

For all those 30 million men, women and children in our world who are objectified, degraded and exploited for commercial gain. R: Lord strengthen them and let them know that they are not forgotten.

For traffickers, pimps and slave holders who perpetuate this system of indignity and degradation.
R: Open their hearts to recognise their injustice.

For all of us, that we may examine how we collude to perpetuate human slavery, and that we may never turn a blind eye.    R: Move our hearts to use our voices for justice.

For governments everywhere that they may awaken to the fact that living in poverty and inequality is the reason why people become vulnerable to promises of a better life from smugglers and traffickers.  R: May we work together towards a fairer model of development.

Lord, we ask that we may never fall into indifference, that we may open our eyes and look upon the miseries and wounds of so many brothers and sisters deprived of their dignity and freedom, and hear their cry for help. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

18 de noviembre de 2019

Chain for Change

Delegation of Ireland

Sr. Patricia Lynnot rjm, from the Delegation of Ireland is the director of the Killala diocesan Laudato Si’ initiative. Killala is one of the smaller dioceses and rests along the Western seaboard!
Sr. shares some recent happenings...
Alton Castle, England. (1 Week, Summer 2019)

Geraldine, the youngest member of our Killala diocesan group was given a bursary through CAFOD to join 60 other young people from all round the world to study Laudato Si. She was the only Irish person to attend so she was very privileged indeed. Our thanks to Bishop John who sponsored her flights.

While there she was invited to speak about our diocesan Laudato Si’ project.  As we can see from the photos she actively engaged through inviting people to commit to care for the earth by adding a link in the chain.

It was not all hard work!
I hear she taught some Irish dancing as well!

11 de noviembre de 2019


Nos comparten desde nuestro Colegio San Gervasio, en Barcelona. 
¡Cuántas buenas ideas y buenas acciones para el cuidado de nuestra Casa Común!
¡Muchas gracias!

Provincia de España

6 de noviembre de 2019

4 de noviembre de 2019

Profundizando en las LAS TRES R

Casa de Familia Jesús-María 
Provincia de España

En el mes de junio se realizó un taller sobre las tres R (Reducir, Reutilizar y Reciclar) con los/as 6 adolescentes y el equipo educativo de la Casa de Familia.
En él profundizamos sobre cómo mejorar nuestro compromiso de cuidar el medio ambiente.
Reafirmamos la necesidad de minimizar los residuos, de reutilizar todo lo posible y de saber cómo reciclar objetos menos evidentes.

El taller se centró sobretodo en reciclar. Los objetivos concretos fueron:
  • Ampliar el conocimiento de los/as adolescentes en cuanto al reciclado
  • Dar la importancia que tiene el reciclado de objetos
  • Poner en práctica ejemplos cotidianos, no evidentes

La metodología consistió:
  • Visualización de un vídeo explicativo que nos ayudó a plantear ¿quién sale beneficiado y quién perjudicado ante tanta basura que se genera? ¿qué podemos hacer?
  • Con los cubos de basura para reciclar valoramos dónde irían distintos objetos, (que antes hemos buscado), para ello nos ayudamos de la APP “Envàs on vas”
  • Luego hablamos y proponemos ideas

Con el tiempo, podemos decir que reciclar entra en nuestro estilo de la Casa de Familia.