30 de enero de 2017

Celebration of Claudine's Ideals

CJM, School, Kharghar
India, Pune Province
On the eve of country’s   68th Republic Day on 26th January, 2017; Convent of Jesus And Mary High School and Junior college, Kharghar proudly celebrated the glory of the day with great solemnity and grandeur. The day upholded one of Saint Claudine’s priority:-‘Living a life committed to justice, peace and the integrity of creation.
The celebrations of the day started with great éclat that showcased meaningful prayer service on the theme’ I, We and You Can Change The Country With Love, Peace And Mercy’. Which was followed by the cultural programme instilling vibes of patriotism around.
The virtue of being a responsible citizen of the country was dutifully exhibited by the staff and students along with the PTA members and the ex-students of the school through an awareness rally conducted in the vicinity of the school. It propagated the message of ‘Save girl child’ ‘and ‘Swachh Bharat’.The students along with the staff, voiced slogans and conducted street play.
The rally was quite successful and impressive enough as it enthralled the on-lookers gathered on the road to imbibe the message of  the ardent necessity to save girl child as the students of ‘Save girl child’ rally made people aware that just like a boy even a girl has the right to live a dignified and a respectful life. She is not to be subdued or ill-treated because she is born as a girl.
While the students of ‘Swachh Bharat’, made people realise it is the fundamental duty of every citizen to keep their city clean and green and also zealously picked up the debris from the road with the motto of keeping our surrounding clean

Thus, the day instilled in young minds the need to create a justified country and the necessity to uphold the honour, integrity and uniqueness of India by oneself first becoming its responsible and dutiful citizen.

28 de enero de 2017

Creating a harmonious and pollution free world

Celebrating the road safety campaign was initiated by the ISS India HSE (Health Safety and Environment) in order to make people aware about the national road safety in the Indian subcontinent. The aim of this campaign was to emphasize and accentuate people about the need of safe road travel by observing simple rules.
According to the information, it has been noted that approximately one lakh people lose their lives per year in the road accidents. Or some of them suffer from life threatening problems such as mental trauma, loss of memory, loss of hand or legs. It increases the importance of road safety measures. India has a very huge volume of traffic and commuters, so it is very important to make people aware of the safety measures and road pollution brewing from the huge volume of traffic.
It also need efforts from different stakeholders such as the community, transport sector, insurance sector, health sector, police, legal sector, educational institutions, highway engineers, vehicle manufacturers, public agencies, NGOs and etc. Students are given a huge opportunity to participate in the road safety week programme so as to bring about a change as future and responsible   citizens of the country
In collaboration with the RTO, i.e the regional transport office, the ISS organised a public rally for school children in the first week of October. More than 230 students of St.Joseph’s Pashan participated in the rally, which included the forming of a Human Chain from Senapati Bapat Road to Pune University Circle, a distance of about 1.5 km. They conveyed the message of safe driving by obeying simple rules and also about maintaining vehicles in order to ensure pollution control. 
The school undertook this activity as JPIC aims at creating a harmonious and pollution free world.

St. Joseph High School, Pashan
India, Pune Province

25 de enero de 2017

Mercy dwells amongst us

Go green, stay green

Formation - Formación y JPIC

Material elaborado por:
  • COMISIÓN JPIC - Justicia, Paz e Integridad de la Creación de la Unión de Superiores Generales y de la Unión Internacional de Superioras Generales USG/UISG. Religiosos/as Promotores/as de JPIC  /  JPIC COMMISSION - for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation of the Union of Superiors General and the International Union of Superiors General USG/UISG. Religious Promoters of JPIC    /   COMMISSION JPIC - Justice, Paix et Intégrité de la Création de l’Union des Supérieurs Généraux et de l’Union Internationale des Supérieures Générales USG/UISG. Religieux Promoteurs de JPIC  /   COMMISSIONE JPIC - Giustizia, Pace e Integrità del Creato dell’Unione dei Superiori Generali e dell’Unione Internazionale delle Superiore Generali USG/UISG. Religiosi/e Promotori di JPIC

24 de enero de 2017

What does it mean to be a girl?

That is something only a girl can answer.
In the past century, the world has seen the Women’s Liberation Movement, but India still seems to be stuck in the Dark Ages.
Even today women in our country struggle for basic rights and privileges. In some places a girl child is not even allowed to live through her infancy. This injustice needs to stop.
We at St. Joseph are doing our bit towards this endeavour by encouraging our students to live a life committed to Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation. In keeping with this we had organised a Slogan competition and Drawing Competition on “Save the Girl Child.

Slogan competition at St. Joseph High School, Pashan:

Drawing Competition: “Save the Girl Child”

23 de enero de 2017

Our school is commited to JPIC

Convent of Jesus and Mary, Fort, Mumbai, India
  • In the month of July, we had the inauguration of Eco Club which works with the Green line NGO of the Salesian fathers. The theme for this year was ‘Conservation of water’.
  • We also participated in the competition organized by AOE (Archdiocesan Organisation for Protection of Environment).
  • Collaboration with with “Sadhu Vaswani Mission” (Non-Christian) for Promotion of Peace.
  • For Archbishop Inter Religious meeting held during the season of Advent on 18th December, our students gave message on Forgiveness and Mercy which was well appreciated.
  • Our Students participated sharing with less Fortunate groups at Christmas.
A Science Exhibition was held in our school on 31st November to 1st December 2017 wherein 34 schools participated in it. The students from different school girls, boys and co-ed presented their projects on How to protect the environment and How to use Renewable Energy for the Sustainable Growth. Few scientists from T.I.F.R. (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Colaba) interacted with our students and gave them valuable insights on our planet Earth and the universe. It was an enriching experience for both teachers and students.
We are enclosing some of the photographs on these occasions:
Std. VIII A students along with their teacher Mrs. Edwina Lemos on social awareness
visit to Asha Daan, a home for destitute
Scientist Sunil Palil from T.I.F.R interacting with our students 
Scientist Sunil Palil interacting 
with students of other schools

Cardinal Oswald Gracias of Bombay Celebrating Christmas 
with the migrants On 25th December

18th December Inter-Religious prayer meeting at Holy Name organized by Oswald Cardinal Gracias. The leaders of the different religions (right to left: Brahmakumari, Parsi priest, Hindu priest, Muslim Maulvi, Jewish Rabbi and chirstian priest.

22 de enero de 2017

Speaking walls

Pune Biennale Foundation is an organisation established to bring Art, Architecture and Design for enhancing visual aesthetics in Pune.
The foundation works towards positioning Pune on the global Art Scenario by promoting local talent for Art in public spaces.
The flagship activity of the foundation will be the Pune Biennale which represents an inclusive movement that makes Art more public and accessible and creates a new space for appreciation and education about artistic traditions.
A collaboration between Pune Municipal Corporation, Pune Biennale Foundation, Professional artists, art students and school children was the project:  “SPEAKING WALLS” which aims to build a community of aesthetic citizens who are aware of the rich heritage of the city.
St. Joseph High School, Pashan, was invited to be a part of this great activity.
Thirty three of our students were a part of this project. They covered the Armament Colony Wall with the total length of 160 ft.  and height   5 ft. , a total area of 800 sq. ft. and carried a message which is an integral part of our objective of living a life committed to Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation.
The school received many accolades from the Pune Municipal Corporation and the Parent Body for the exemplary work put up by the students. It was indeed a great learning experience for our students.

20 de enero de 2017

Care for Mother Earth

Our students cleaning the campus and taking care of plants.
Students are made awareof their responsibility  to care for Mother Earth and preserve it for future generations. Vasai, India

19 de enero de 2017

Care for Creation and Forgiveness leads to Peace

Special Assemblies with the theme "Care for Creation" and "Forgiveness leads to Peace". 
Vasai, India

School assemblies help in creating awareness and motivate students to action.

18 de enero de 2017

Tree plantation drive - Vasai, India

A group of students ready to plant saplings

Our school Convent of Jesus and Mary, Vasai had a tree plantation drive in our campus and planted a good number of trees which are cared for by students during the year.

16 de enero de 2017

¡¡Somos gente de Cuidado!!

¡¡¡Todo está conectado!!!
Con alegría, cada vez más conscientes de cómo estamos conectadas al Creador, a las criaturas y al Universo, vamos ahondando en las causas del empobrecimiento y la injusticia. Juntos queremos formarnos, sensibilizarnos y buscar caminos para vivir desde la Justicia, la Paz y la Integridad de la Creación.
En noviembre nos reunimos 139 personas en Alicante, Barcelona, Granada, Madrid, Murcia, Sevilla y Valencia.
Y este fin de semana hemos participado en el Encuentro Social 70 personas ¡¡¡Somos gente de cuidado!!!

14 de enero de 2017

15 enero: Jornada mundial del migrante y refugiado

Journée mondiale du migrant et du réfugié
Giornata mondiale del migrante e del rifugiato
World day of migrants and refugees

10 de enero de 2017

Enero 2017: Intenciones del Papa

  • Enero 2017. El Video del Papa: Todos los cristianos tenemos la oportunidad de empezar el año ayudando al Papa a hacer frente a los desafíos de la humanidad con nuestra oración y nuestra caridad. Por todos los cristianos, para que contribuyan con la oración y la caridad fraterna a restablecer la plena comunión eclesial al servicio de los desafíos de la humanidad.

  • Gennaio 2017. Cristiani al servizio. Nel mondo attuale, molti cristiani di diverse Chiese lavorano insieme al servizio dell'umanità bisognosa, per la difesa della vita umana e della sua dignità, del creato e contro le ingiustizie.Perché tutti contribuiscano con la preghiera e la carità fraterna a ristabilire la piena comunione ecclesiale al servizio delle sfide dell'umanità.

  • January 2017. Christians serving. In today’s world, many Christians from various churches work together to serve humanity in need, to defend human life and its dignity, to defend creation, and to combat injustice. For all who contribute through prayer and fraternal charity to restoring full ecclesial communion in service of the challenges facing humanity.

  • Janvier 2017. La Vidéo du Pape. Comme chrétiens, nous avons l’opportunité de commence l’année en aidant le Pape à faire face aux défis de l’humanité grâce à notre prière et notre charité. Pour tous les chrétiens afin qu’ils s’engagent par la prière et la charité fraternelle à rétablir la pleine communion ecclésiale au service des défis de l’humanité. 

International Peace Day

     Convent of Jesus and Mary School
Karachi, Pakistan

Preparatory Section Karachi celebrates

With great zeal and Enthusiasm to bring peace and healing to our wounded and broken world

May we be a shining light to the nations 

May we be a healing balm to the Nations

May we be a song of Joy to the nations

May we be a word of hope to the nations

May Your Kingdom come to the nations

9 de enero de 2017

International Charity Day

International Charity Day was celebrated in School to make the children more aware of being more loving towards people and the environment.Preparation for this day began a week earlier. On September 5th the children planted seeds in their own individual pots. The cost of the seeds was also put in the box for the poor.
As a seed needs food, sunshine and care to grow so does every creature.
On the following days all of us had the joy of seeing the young shoots emerge and grow because of the loving care they had received. So in the same way all creatures grow with love and care.There's more joy in giving than receiving.
These values are instilled today for a better tomorrow.

Convent of Jesus and Mary Lahore, Pakistan

Other groups of children made charts to renew their love and care for God’s creation given to us as a gift.

A team of our enthusiestic boys busy to keep our grounds clean after the break!