18 de julio de 2016

From Vadodara province


We began the year 2015 with an awareness programme on 'Saving our Environment' and maintaining a balance in the eco-system.

The Jesuits, Fr. Lucas S.J. and Fr. Rayappan in collaboration with the Jesus and Mary sisters initiated this programme at the behest of our Pope Francis message,  'On Care for our Common Home.'

A seminar was organised for our students wherein they were made aware aout the plight of our environment and the care that should be taken to prevent further damage and destruction.
The Holy Eucharist was celebrated in the laps of Mother Earth and as Fr. Rayappan expressed in the 'Holy Basilica' created and gifted to us by our Almighty Father, God himself.
All our programmes conducted in our school centred around the theme of ecology. The major events, Sportsday and Annual Day depicted the ruin of nature and Mother Earth, its effects and impact on mankind and growing concerns about the dangers and harm to the ecology.

Students, under the able guidance of their teachers put up an excellent display during the Annual Day. A dance drama, titled, 'A Place in the Sun', elaborately brought out the harm caused by man and the implications on mankind. The effect of global warming, heavy downpours, scanty rain, floods, pollution have played havoc with nature. These scenes were portrayed in contrast with the beauty of God's creation. 
The message conveyed to the audience during the Annual Day programme was loud and clear, 'Save Mother Earth'.
The 50th Annual Athletic Meet comprised of P.T. Displays and pyramids centred on peace, justice and the environment.
Our sisters, staff and students have contributed their best to spread awareness even through the Science exhibitions, the projects made to save and conserve energy and the tree plantation programme to nurture nature.
We shall continue with our efforts of doing our best in nurturing and saving the environment especially in our own surroundings.
May the beauty of God's marvellous creation, the earth continue to shower its manifold blessings on us and may we always respect and value this precious gift of God to mankind.

15 de julio de 2016

Fiesta del Día del Niño - AFJM Guachochi


Con alegría y conscientes de nuestra misión como AFJM el sábado 30 de abri

l nos convocamos en el Rancho de la comunidad en el Municipio de Guachochi, estado de Chihuahua, Sierra Tarahumara.

Con ellos festejamos el día del Niño, es una comunidad con indígenas Rarámuris quienes no tienen
fácil acceso a la escuela y a otros muchos servicios. Queremos que nuestros hijos e hijas aprendan a compartir y ser solidarios con otros niños y niñas que sufren situaciones de injusta marginación por su condición sociocultural.

Pasamos un día lleno de felicidad, y al estilo de nuestra Sta. Claudina damos gracias a Dios


Ramiro Luján Palma.
AFJM de Guachochi, Chihuahua, México.

9 de julio de 2016

A good Web page!

#EndSlavery is an initiative of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences and Pontifical Academy of Sciences for their work to eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking, a task Pope Francis assigned to them in 2013.

"This video was produced for the Vatican's End Slavery project and is intended to bring about awareness of those enslaved and to catalyze the eradication of slavery in our modern world. In conjunction with the world's faith leaders, government bodies, business and media leaders, it is my honor to share these images in the spirit of the global collaboration to end slavery forever".

8 de julio de 2016

Julio 2016: Intenciones del Papa

  • July 2016. The Pope Video: That indigenous peoples, whose identity and very existence are threatened, will be shown due respect. By the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer - http://apostleshipofprayer.org/).

  • Juillet 2016. La Vidéo du Pape: Prions de tout notre cœur pour que soient respectés les peuples indigènes menacés dans leur identité et leur existence même. Par le Réseau Mondial de Prière du Pape (Apostolat de la Prière – http://www.apmej.org).

  • Luglio 2016. Il Video del Papa: Perché vengano rispettati i popoli indigeni, minacciati nella loro identità e nella loro stessa esistenza. Rete Mondiale di Preghiera del Papa (Apostolato della Prehgiera - http/www.apmej.org)

  • Julio 2016. El Video del Papa: Para que de todo corazón pidamos que sean respetados los pueblos indígenas, amenazados en su identidad y hasta en su misma existencia. Por la Red Mundial de Oración del Papa (Apostolado de la Oración - http://www.apmej.org).

7 de julio de 2016

Syria: Peace - paz - paix - pace!

CARITAS SYRIA: www.syria.caritas.org

Caritas está haciendo campaña por el fin inmediato de la violencia y el sufrimiento. Por favor, únanse a nosotros para hacer posible la paz en Siria. #PeacePossible4syria
Caritas is campaigning for an immediate end to the violence and suffering. Please join us to make peace possible in Syria. #PeacePossible4syria
Caritas fait campagne pour un terme immédiat aux violences et aux souffrances. Merci de nous rejoindre pour rendre la paix possible en Syrie. #PeacePossible4syria

CARITAS SYRIA: www.syria.caritas.org

6 de julio de 2016

Actividades durante la Semana Laudato Si

En este Link encontrarás un resumen de Actividades que se realizaron durante la semana del 1 aniversario de la Laudato Si. Presentadas por el Movimiento Católico Mundial por el Clima.

Laudato Si online Conference

During the Laudato Si’ Online Conference, which happened during Laudato Si’ Week (June 13-17, 2016), prominent speakers from different backgrounds dialogued about the crisis affecting our common home and reflected on the Pope’s Laudato Si’ message on occasion of its first anniversary. Four webinars covered four key sections of the encyclical document, following the Pope’s “urgent appeal for a new dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet” (LS, 14).
Catholic Climate Movement Global

Durante la "Conferencia en línea Laudato de Si , que ocurrió durante Laudato Si 'Semana (13-17 de junio de, 2016), destacados ponentes de diferentes orígenes dialogaron acerca de la crisis que afecta a nuestro casa común y que se refleja en el mensaje del Papa Laudato Si' con motivo de su primer aniversario. Cuatro seminarios web en Inglés cubrieron cuatro secciones clave del documento encíclica, después de "llamamiento urgente para un nuevo diálogo sobre la forma en que están modelando el futuro de nuestro planeta" del Papa (LS, 14). 1 conferencia en Español.
Movimiento Católico Mundial por el Clima

5 de julio de 2016

Newsbrief, June - Mininoticias, junio - JPIC UISG y USG Roma

Newsbrief, June 2016 – Please read and distribute relevant information to your JPIC teams around the world. The shares of information in this publication aims at increasing the opportunities for collaboration and networking. The work done by the JPIC networks in Rome, the two Promoters groups and  the individual working groups is to serve the UISG and the USG and member Generalates to arrive at a greater awareness, clearer analysis and more effective action in the area of justice and peace and integrity of creation.If you have stories of success or challenges, information, resource or thoughts to share with JPIC promoters through this publication please get in contact with the JPIC office (jpicroma@gmail.com)  call Phone: (39) 06 6622929 

Mininoticias, Junio 2016 –  Por favor, lean y distribuyen la información pertinente a sus equipos de JPIC en todo el mundo. El compartir de información de esta publicación tiene como objetivo aumentar las oportunidades de colaboración y trabajo en red. El trabajo realizado por las redes de JPIC en Roma, los dos grupos promotores y los grupos de trabajo individuales es servir a los Generalatos miembros de UISG y USG para llegar a una mayor conciencia, un análisis más claro y una acción más eficaz en el ámbito de la justicia y la paz y la integridad de la creación. Si usted tiene experiencias de suceso o desafio, alguna información, recursos o ideas para compartir a través de esta publicación, por favor póngase en contacto con la oficina de JPIC, escribiendo a jpicroma@gmail.com ; Tel. (39) 06 6622929.

3 de julio de 2016

Sensibilizando sobre la Violencia de Género

En tres Isletas, Chaco, Argentina se realizó la tercera y última parte del curso-taller sobre Sensibilización y Acompañamiento en Situaciones de Violencia de Género que comenzó el año pasado.
El título de este módulo fue "Como y cuando intervenir en situaciones de violencia de género" y los puntos claves que se tocaron fueron: .El necesario compromiso de las instituciones; .¿Operadores de la transformación o cómplices del sistema?; .Características de víctimas y victimarios; .Redes comunitarias y cuidados de los equipos.
Fue un curso-taller muy rico para la comunidad, en el que participaron personas de las diferentes áreas, incluyendo docentes, personal policial, trabajadores del área de la salud y personas de la comunidad. Y ha dejado como fruto un grupo de mujeres que buscará despertar en la localidad la conciencia del problema de género, un tema muy preocupante y que creceen nuestro país en los últimos años.
Compartimos algunos testimonios de personas que participaron en el curso-taller:
“Fue una jornada muy productiva, pude compartir experiencias realizadas desde el ámbito en el cual trabajo y acompañar a mujeres que son víctimas de violencia. Me sentí muy acompañada y noté que falta mucho por hacer, pero lo importante es que no estamos solos, que está en marcha una red local que nos permitirá realizar prevención  y asistencia, durante o después de los hechos. Sobre todo poner nuestra parte humana a la hora de realizar intervenciones y escuchar a las víctimas, nunca minimizar la situación, ni prejuzgar…
Estoy muy contenta de enriquecer mis conocimientos y ampliar conceptos respecto al tema. Estoy muy agradecida por la invitación para participar del curso y estoy a disposición en todo lo que pueda ayudar.” dice Karina Romero, quien trabaja en el área de Desarrollo Social de la Municipalidad de Tres Isletas. 
Otra participante dice: "Pienso que el curso marcó un antes y un después en cada uno de nosotros. Somos personas para quienes la violencia, en cualquiera de sus formas, no es "natural". Cada módulo nos atravesó sobremanera. Aprendimos nuevos conceptos, intercambiamos experiencias, analizamos casos puntuales y principalmente formamos un grupo de trabajo, llamado "Mirasoles". Este grupo se propone como objetivo principal DESPERTAR a la sociedad con medidas de prevención y detección temprana de la violencia de género. Promovemos el respeto por la diversidad y la descolonización del pensamiento, así como también pretendemos que se adopte una  perspectiva de género más amplia, más humana; simplemente porque honramos la vida.

2 de julio de 2016

ES.PE.RE program arrives in Haiti

On May 18 we welcomed Maria de la Paz Viniegra, RJM (Mari Paz) and Haydee Barrera, RJM (Chely) to Port-au-Prince. They are from the Province of Mexico and are assigned to Havana, Cuba.  They came to offer a workshop on ESPERE and to prepare a small group that could then offer it here in Haiti.
The Schools of Forgiveness and Reconciliation, ES.PE.RE., is a pedagogical process where participants relive a painful event in their lives, whether recent or remote, in order to overcome the pain and the feelings of resentment and revenge that limit their enjoyment of life. This process allows the individual to overcome the disagreeable memory of the past, to carry out the processes of restorative justice, and to establish covenants that guarantee the offenses will not be repeated.
Forgiveness and Reconciliation constitute one of the most important assets in the rules of social capital necessary for the progress of people in a globalized world. It prevents and avoids retaliation or the settling of scores, a principal factor in the escalation of interpersonal as well as collective violence.
Words and memory are cultivated in community spaces of renewing encounter and leisure, where versions of individual and collective events are reconstructed from the perspective of encounter, truth, justice, and atonement.
The methodology of ES.PE.RE. (which received an award in 2006 from UNESCO) addresses situations of violence, recog- nizing emotional, discursive, and attitu- dinal factors of social and structural violence. ES.PE.RE is a methodological strategy that seeks each participant to assume an active role and move from being a victim of the offense to being a co-creator of his/her victory. It also seeks to open spaces for conversations about regaining security in oneself and in society and knowing oneself as a member of a network of relationships that have been broken by the attacks of life.

The program consists in 11 modules of work; each module takes about 3 hours. The first six modules are about forgiveness and the last five are about reconciliation. We worked for three intensive days on forgiveness, had a day of rest, and then spent three days on reconciliation. There were 12 people in the group who came from different places in Haiti as well as foreign residents in Haiti. The program took place on the premises of the Institute of Social Doctrine of the Church. The Institute has committed itself to promote and replicate this program with the Religious of Jesus and Mary in Haiti.

For some time, I have wanted to participate in the program and to do it here in Haiti. I have frequently felt the necessi- ty for Haitians to cure their historical, social, political, and personal wounds -- wounds that cause a lot of aggression and violence from all the scarcities and all the problems people have to face each day to survive in a country where life does not have value and the fight to survive has no lim- its or rules.
The experience was moving, deep, shared, cleansing and freeing. It was full of moments of personal and group reflections, of active and symbolic group dynamics that help to understand situations from distinct points of view and to situate oneself in a more detached stance in order to be more objective. A lovely atmosphere of friendship, of deep shared experiences, and of reflection united us in a special way with a desire to bring the program to more people so that they can benefit from its freeing and healing effects.

As a matter of fact, we have organized to begin translating the program into Creole and to organize a plan of action to replicate it in Haiti. I have become the coordinator of ES.PE.RE. in Haiti.
The sisters who gave the workshop, Mari Paz and Chely, were excellent animators and we are profoundly grateful for their having come to Haiti to share this experience with us. It has been worth the effort and we hope that our first Congregational priority may become a reality in Haiti.
Thank you for this beautiful experience!
Thank you to the province of the United States for supporting this initiative. It has been a great gift!

Isabel Solá Matas, RJM
(translated by Margaret Perron, RJM)

1 de julio de 2016

JPIC in our high school

A meeting of the entire staff was held to prepare this Priority in the context of what the Province requested. The Priority was explained to the staff and they were given time to think and decide activities relevant to these three aspects of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation.


St. Agnes's High School, Byculla, Mumbai
Pune Province