Here in the USA,
several of our sisters are taking part in the virtual Posadas provided by the
Ignation Solidarity Network. Each night a family sings from their home followed
by a presentation by a migrant telling their story of what forced them to leave
their homeland and seek asylum in our country.
We are then invited to reflect in silence before the closing prayer of
each days Posada. This is a very
different experience from our usual Posada at the USA/Mexico border wall near
the Pacific Ocean. There we would walk
and sing along the border wall with people of all different Christian
denominations participating on both sides of the border. COVID robbed us of this hope-filled
experience this year.
As we
participate in these ‘safe’ virtual Posadas, I’m conscious of the thousands of
migrants, especially Reina and her two children, who have been on a risky
‘Posada’ for over a year…leaving life-threatening experiences in their El
Salvador neighborhood, crossing unwelcoming borders, resting in streets and
shelters along the way, and recently receiving a 2 week notice to vacate her
room in Tijuana.

Then she began ‘knocking
on many doors’ where there was no room for them until Dec. 4 when she and the
other migrant mom and her 7 year old son were able to enter their new house in
Tijuana. What a faith-filled Posada
spanning many months trusting in a loving God…and still hoping for new
life-giving doors to be opened to them.
Now they have beds, not a mattress on the floor and an indoor
bathroom. Their journey with God
continues to overcome fear with hope. We
continue to journey with them in prayer, with food and rent, and being awed and
humbled by their faith filled WhatsApp messages and conversations. This is the second Christmas we are sharing
with them. Being part of their journey
from when they first arrived in the San Diego shelter and now in Tijuana has
been a transforming experience. Seeing
their pain has brought us face to face with the wounded Christ in our
Knowing their faith has given us
new eyes to see the Light penetrating the darkness. Our JM communities and friends have reached
out revealing Hope along the way. Let us be united in prayer with Reina and
family, with the many migrants around our world and with the many people
extending compassion and Hope to their neighbor.
Rosie Nicholson, RJM
USA-Haiti Provice